Assembly instructions
Over 30 years’ experience printing furniture assembly instructions !
We offer a fantastic service for a range of manufacturers and retailers, including kitchen and bathroom companies – in fact, anyone who needs to include printed instructions with their product.
We can help make the process as smooth as possible if you manufacture or sell anything which the end-user needs to:
- assemble
- install
- understand how to use correctly
- dispose of appropriately after use.

Simple & complex assembly instructions
We will print anything from small numbers of single-sided instructions to huge runs of, say, a 52-page assembly booklet. Choose from a wide range of paper stocks, depending on your market and budget.

We will work to your own inventory-control system, including Kanban. If you have many lines, we will happily come to your site, even on a weekly basis, and stock-take all of your printed assembly instructions – with reprints automatically triggered when stocks fall to a certain level. We can also store your print for you, to be called off as required. Read more about our fulfilment and logistics services.

Complementary services
Don’t forget, we also print packaging and labels/stickers, and we can even design your assembly or usage instructions. That means all of your requirements can be handled under one roof: professionally, seamlessly and fast.